10:45 – 12:15 PM | Poster Session 2
Session 8 Day 2
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Poster Session | Abstract |
PS02-01 Statistical Word Learning in Catalan-Spanish and English-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder | |
PS02-02 Simplified Language Input: Perspectives of Parents with Children Enrolled in Early Intervention | |
PS02-03 Category learning with and without feedback in children with developmental language disorder | |
PS02-04 Characterization of frontal lobe hemodynamic response for spoken word processing in young adults with developmental language disorder (DLD) and a low performing normal language peer | |
Cell | Cell |
PS02-06 The impact of clinician accent on children’s performance on standardized assessments | |
PS02-07 Preliminary Examination of the Psychometrics of the Early Social Communication Scale in Young Children with Down Syndrome | |
PS02-08 Morphosyntax and speech production in narratives of children with speech sound disorders | |
PS02-09 Identification of Barriers/Facilitators and Levels of Agreement between Teachers and SLPs Regarding Universal Screening of Language Impairment in Public Schools | |
PS02-10 Input Variability and Word-learning in Children with Different Language Abilities | |
PS02-11 Sensitivity to Mispronunciation in a Sample of Monolingual North American Late Talking and Typically Talking Toddlers | |
PS02-12 The characteristics of spontaneous language in young children identified as language delayed in Mandarin | |
PS02-13 Probabilistic Constraints on Overt Subject Use in Child Spanish-speakers with SLI: A Discriminant Function Analysis | |
PS02-14 Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder Relative to Developmental Language Disorder: A Preliminary Epidemiologic Study | |
PS02-15 Inhibition, Variation and Collective-Distributive Interpretations | |
PS02-16 Conversation strengths and weaknesses in boys with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and boys with fragile X syndrome | |
PS02-17 Deficits in articulatory organization in the production of familiar words in children with DLD | |
PS02-18 Growth Trajectories of Spanish Article Accuracy in Narrative Retells of Dual Language Learners | |
PS02-19 Supporting Personal Event Narrative Production for Children with Developmental Language Disorder: An Online Study | |
PS02-20 Effects of Articulatory Suppression on Planning Performance in Preschoolers with DLD: A Preliminary Investigation | |
PS02-21 Is learning words in one language easier than in two languages? | |
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Cell | Cell |
PS02-24 Cognitive and Linguistic Demands of Semantic Tasks for Spanish-English Bilingual Children | |
PS02-25 The Feasibility of Translating an Expressive Vocabulary Treatment for Late-Talking Toddlers to a Caregiver-Implemented Model | |
PS02-26 Script Vocabulary in the Narratives of Preschoolers Who Speak African American English | |
PS02-27 Developing a rubric for social skill assessment: Lessons learned | |
PS02-28 Exploring the Social Validity of Telehealth-Based Language Interventions for Young Latine Children | |
PS02-29 Subtest and Item Analysis of the Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation-Screener | |
PS02-30 Longitudinal Grammaticality Judgments of Tense Marking in Complex Questions in Children with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI), Ages 5 to 18 years | |
PS02-31 Morphosyntactic errors of children with and without phonological disorders | |
PS02-32 Key elements of SLP services for preschool children: perspectives of school and health care service providers and managers | |
PS02-33 The use of first mentions in narratives by Mandarin-speaking children at risk for Developmental Language Disorder | |
PS02-34 Are Palm Reversals the Pronoun Reversals of Sign Language? | |
PS02-35 The effects of phonological and semantic interference on spoken word recognition in late talkers | |
PS02-36 Inhibition Predicts Morphosyntax as well as Lexicon in Child Spanish | |
PS02-37 The Impact of Electronic Toys on the Quality and Quantity of Linguistic Input Provided by Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
PS02-38 Characterizing Linguistic Complexity in Parent Speech to Young Children with Autism: Beyond MLU | |
PS02-39 Examining associations between home literacy environment and white matter organization in infancy in relation to subsequent language abilities in toddlerhood | |
PS02-40 Late Bloomer or Language Disorder? Paying attention to structural differences in late talkers’ vocabulary knowledge | |